Belvidere Chiropractic Center Belvidere New Jersey Family Chiropractor Dr Jon Heins

Straighten Up America Day is October 16th part 1-Introduction

straightenupamericaStraighten Up America is a health program designed to empower the American people toward better spinal health and an improved quality of life.

The vision of Straighten Up America is very simple. Visualize a time when every American will take three minutes every day to care for their spinal health, just as they care for their dental health. The need for spinal health promotion is very great as evidenced by the many billions of dollars spent each year related to the disability of low back pain alone. Yet before the creation of Straighten Up, there had not been a short, simple, engaging spinal exercise program specifically designed to promote the public’s spinal health.

To address this problem an exercise program was developed that is packed into a simple, three minute, fun, engaging, and easy-to-perform healthful activities. Equally useful as a at work break, exercise warm-up, or cool-down, Straighten Up is designed to get people of all ages up and moving, while they improve their posture and spinal health.

The exercise program, I will be posting in detail, with an instructional video, next week (part 2). The program also includes a short set of healthy lifestyle recommendations compatible with the goals and objectives of Healthy People 2010, America on the Move, Steps to a Healthier US and the 5 A Day programs. Straighten Up America partners in promoting the nation’s health with the President’s Council on Physical Fitness and Sports. The healthy lifestyle recommendations will be posted the following week (part 3).

When the program was tested, the results were very promising. Participants ranged from college students to individuals in their eighties and after five weeks of daily practice of the Straighten Up exercises, 83% of the people reported that they had improved their posture, 78% reported that they had strengthened their core muscles, and 80% reported that they sat and stood more uprightly and that their backs were more comfortable. Young children also love Straighten Up and are practicing these beneficial spinal health activities eagerly.

Be sure to check back for Next week’s Article: Straighten Up America Part 2- Exercise Program . . . or keep yourself up to date with what is going on at Belvidere Chiropractic Center by simply subscribing to Belvidere Chiropractic’s RSS Feed or to our Email Updates. You can also follow us on Facebook, Twitter, or LinkedIN.

And please feel free to leave a comment below.

3 Responses to Straighten Up America Day is October 16th part 1-Introduction
  1. James Morosky
    October 5, 2009 | 7:05 pm

    Definitely a good thing to be combining Straighten Up with other health programs like Healthy People 2010! I’ll definitely be looking forward to more info on this.

    • Dr Jon P Heins
      October 5, 2009 | 8:44 pm

      Thanks James for commenting. I am glad you liked it. Be sure to check back for Next week’s Article: Straighten Up America Part 2- Exercise Program or keep yourself up to date by subscribing to the RSS Feed or to the Email Updates.

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