National School BackPack Safety Awareness Day is September 16th.
Mounting Research Reveals Alarming Danger Associated With Improper BackPack Use.
Each year, National School Backpack Safety Awareness Day takes place on the third Wednesday of September. However, since students need to get ready to return to school in the next few weeks and are filling their backpacks with all their new supplies, in an annual statewide campaign in effort to inform you of the dangers associated with improper backpack use, sponsored by the Association of New Jersey Chiropractors. I would like to inform you now, and in the upcoming next few weeks, before you purchase your children’s supplies about backpack safety. This way you can keep your child’s back healthy.
The Beginning of an Epidemic.
Scientific research reveals an alarming danger associated with improper childhood backpack use. This research comes from the increasing number of reports of childhood back pain in recent decades. By the end of their teen years, close to 60 percent of youths experience at least one low-back pain episode. And new research indicates that this may be due, at least in part, to the improper use of backpacks on young spines. Back pain leads to more than 19 million doctor visits per year, according to the U.S. Department of Human Health and Services. What will that figure be when the members of the “Backpack Generation” are in their thirties and forties?
It is estimated that at least half of all student backpacks are too heavy for children to be carrying. As a result more children than ever are complaining of back pain, which can have long-term effects . . .
Be sure to check back for Next week’s Article: Backpacks’ Attack On Backs . . . or keep yourself up to date with what is going on at Belvidere Chiropractic Center by simply subscribing to Belvidere Chiropractic’s RSS Feed or to our Email Updates. You can also follow us on Facebook, Twitter, or LinkedIN.
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Backpack Safety Awareness part 1- The Beginning of an Epidemic