We are happy to say this year’s Salvation Army Annual Holiday Angel Tree Program was a Huge Success!
Your generosity and kindness will bring happiness to local children whose families are experiencing an economic hardship and would have been unable to provide gifts for their children. It is people like you who help instill the true values of the season.
With your help we were able to collect almost a hundred new toys for deserving children of needy families in the local community who counted on you to make sure they had a Merry Christmas this year. There were so many generous donations that we had to have the Salvation Army come several times to pick up the toys since they were taking up the entire waiting area! The Salvation Army then sorted and delivered your gifts to all the local little angels just in time for Christmas!
We know how busy you are this time of the year and we thank you for remembering those who are less fortunate while you were out shopping for your loved ones. We would also like to thank those of you who used the Discovery Toy site, to order toys and have them shipped directly to our office. Your kindness and generosity is greatly appreciated!
And we would also like to thank Belvidere Green for helping spread the word about the Salvation Army Angel Tree Toy Drive on their Post: Bending over Backwards.
“Any society, any nation, is judged on the basis of how it treats its weakest members — the last, the least, the littlest.” ~ Cardinal Roger Mahony
And Finally, I have included this YouTube video of one of my favorite bands, Third Day, from the Album: Christmas Offerings, entitled: “Christmas Like a Child”, hope you enjoy it!
From Our Family at Belvidere Chiropractic Center to Your Family, have a Very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
This post was mentioned on Twitter by BelvidereChiro, BelvidereChiro. BelvidereChiro said: New Post : Thank You for Helping Us Play Santa – Salvation Army Annual 2009 Angel Tree Toy Drive