Belvidere Chiropractic Center Belvidere New Jersey Family Chiropractor Dr Jon Heins

Tag Archive: Healthy Aging

Three Ways Walking a Mile a Day Can Add Years to Your Life

This is a guest post by: Doug Johnson, PA who helped create North American Spine and manages all medical staff, in addition to training physicians in proper AccuraScope® procedure techniques. When you think of adding exercise in your life, images of long distance marathoners wearing short shorts and Arnold Schwarzenegger pumping iron may pop into…

Healthy Food Options for Longevity and Wellbeing

This is a guest post by: Rania Paula who writes for the Men’s Health blog which provides exclusive information on men’s health fitness, health, relationships, nutrition, weight loss and muscle building. You can also find information on various men’s health topics like prostate cancer, men’s sexual health, etc… Making healthy food options can be a…

How to Age Healthy

As a public service to the people who live and work in and around the Belvidere, New Jersey area and the surrounding communities, I give helpful and informative health lectures on various topics such as: over all health and wellness, ergonomics , and specific health conditions that can often be helped with chiropractic care. One…

Healthy Aging Month part 5 – Social and Mental Wellness: Do you feel as old as you really are?

Healthy Aging® Social and Mental Wellness: Do you feel as old as you really are? Age is but a number — just ask anyone their age and they generally lie… but is it a lie? Maybe they really do feel the age they give you. I believe it was Dr. Robert Butler who first coined…

Healthy Aging Month part 4 – Nutrition: Diet News is Old News- It’s input vs. output!

Healthy Aging® And Nutrition: Diet News is Old News- It’s input vs. output! We all want a silver bullet to lose weight. This week it’s the Beach Body program, next week it’s the Slimfast, followed by NutriSystem and so on. There is one secret that all of these programs have in common. It’s input vs….

Healthy Aging Month part 3 – Physical Fitness: Do You Know How Much Exercise You Should Do To Stay Healthy?

Healthy Aging® And Physical Fitness: Do You Know How Much Exercise You Should Do To Stay Healthy? Physical Activity Guidelines — You Can Do More Than You Think You Can. Interviews of elite athletes done by staff for Healthy Aging® show that at least one hour of cardiovascular activity a day is a key to…

Healthy Aging Month part 2 -Physical Fitness: Tips For Getting Started

Healthy Aging® And Physical Fitness: Tips For Getting Started. What’s good for the body is good for the spirit as well. As people grow older, it is very important to keep motivated, to say to yourself, “I can do it.” Regular exercise is even more important for seniors than other age groups since the risk…

Healthy Aging Month part 1 – It’s Never Too Late to Get Started on the Road to Better Health

September is Healthy Aging® Month: It’s Never Too Late to Get Started on the Road to Better Health. September is Healthy Aging® Month an annual health observance month designed to focus national attention on the positive aspects of growing older. In an effort to draw attention to the needs of the growing numbers of older…

Welcome to Belvidere Chiropractic Center, I'm Dr. Jon P. Heins Your Family Chiropractor. Where Generations of Your Family Are Cared For By Our Family. Serving All Generations of Your Family For Over 15 Years Now!Read More About Us »