Belvidere Chiropractic Center Belvidere New Jersey Family Chiropractor Dr Jon Heins

Tag Archive: Lower Back Pain

What Us Spine Doctors Tell Our Family and Friends

80 percent of the general population will experience back pain at least once in their life. This post is the advice us spine doctors give our friends and family so they can hopefully stay pain free.

Is It Really Possible To “Eat” Your Back Pain Away?

This is a guest post by: Igor from Help Your Back. His website is dedicated to helping people with various musculoskeletal conditions and other related problems. The goal of the website is also to educate and provide information regarding anatomy of the human body; feel free to stop by! I`m sure you must be thinking…

Does the Weather Affect Your Lower Back Pain?

The World Health Organization estimates that low back pain affects up to one third of the world population at any given time, making it the most common musculo-skeletal condition. We all know, or heard of, someone say, “It’s going to rain … I can feel it in my bones, … knees, … wrists, … etcetera…

Three Ways Walking a Mile a Day Can Add Years to Your Life

This is a guest post by: Doug Johnson, PA who helped create North American Spine and manages all medical staff, in addition to training physicians in proper AccuraScope® procedure techniques. When you think of adding exercise in your life, images of long distance marathoners wearing short shorts and Arnold Schwarzenegger pumping iron may pop into…

How to Stay Fit While You Sit

As a public service to the people who live and work in and around the Belvidere, New Jersey area and the surrounding communities, I give helpful and informative health lectures on various topics such as: over all health and wellness, ergonomics , and specific health conditions that can often be helped with chiropractic care. One…

How to Protect Your Back While Gardening

Spring is here and if you love to spend time gardening, but  do not love the pain in your back that very often comes with it, there is hope. With the correct care during gardening, you can protect your back and prevent injuries. As a public service to the people who live and work in…

Simple Exercises to Help Reduce Joint and Spinal Pain at Home

This is a guest post by: Premier Pain Solution, a group of expert chiropractors based in Phoenix, Arizona, who provide pain management treatment for those suffering from neck, knee and back pain, whiplash, spinal stenosis, fibromyalgia, herniated disks, shoulder and sciatic nerve pain, sports injuries, and arm and leg numbness. Please visit them at…

Top 10 Predisposing Risk Factors to Back Pain

This is a guest post by: Jamie Arnold a staff writer and content editor for Jamie is also a yoga enthusiast, animal lover and avid traveler who loves to blog about health, fitness, and back pain relief. Most of us have had a bout of back pain every once in a while. And for…

Welcome to Belvidere Chiropractic Center, I'm Dr. Jon P. Heins Your Family Chiropractor. Where Generations of Your Family Are Cared For By Our Family. Serving All Generations of Your Family For Over 15 Years Now!Read More About Us »